
A Super-Powered Default Menu

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Thom Bruce

I put off redoing the menu setup for HugoModo for a little while. Hugo’s menu system, I remembered, was a challenge I’d previously overcome. The required changes were going to take, I dunno, anywhere from a few hours to a day. But I was wrong. Hugo’s menu system is actually very simple, and I was done in a matter of minutes.

The reason I thought it was going to be difficult is because I’d previously made it difficult for myself, but the result of that was a powerful default menu behaviour that went leagues beyond Hugo’s “Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers”. Hugo recommends that setup as a starting point, so we’ll start there too.

Hugo’s Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers

Hugo’s Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers lists all site sections that have content. It’s a really quick and simple way to add site-wide navigation to a Hugo site.

Here’s how I’ve implemented it in HugoModo:

      {{ $currentPage := . }}
      {{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
          <a class="sidebar-nav-item{{if or ($currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentPage.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) }} active{{end}}" href="{{ .URL }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
      {{ end }}

As of today, HugoModo supports this menu with minimal setup. To activate this menu, all that’s needed is this line in your site’s config.toml file:

sectionPagesMenu = "main"

That’s it, you’re all set!

HugoModo’s Super-Powered Default Menu

Now, to the reason I had assumed I was in for a challenge with menus! I did this some time back when I wasn’t as well-versed in Hugo’s architecture as I am now., so at the time it took a lot of effort. And yet, it now looks so deceptively simple:

      {{ $sections := .Site.Sections }}
      {{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "" }}
      {{ range (union $sections $pages) }}
        {{ if not (eq .Name .Site.Title) }}
            <a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}

You’ll see there the standard markup for an unordered HTML menu, the elements used: <nav>, <ul>, <li> and <a>.

You’ll notice my menu also includes a site’s sections, via the $sections variable. But it also brings in some of a site’s pages. Here’s the all-important line:

{{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "" }}

The where query here finds only those pages whose Section is blank. This is effectively asking, “is it in the root folder?”

The resultant set of sections and pages is the collection of those at the root of the Hugo content folder.

  blog/                   <- Appears in menu
  career/                 <- Appears in menu
    projects/                <- Appears in menu              <- Appears in menu

Contrast to Hugo’s lazy menu:

  blog/	                  <- Appears in menu
    experience/           <- Appears in menu
    projects/             <- Appears in menu

With the basic setup, Hugo does not list our about or contact pages in the main menu. It also skips root sections that contain no content files and shows deeper sections that do.

Hugo’s menu is a great way to get started for really simple websites. But I think the HugoModo default presents a stronger starting point for complex site structures.

Importantly, neither limits what you can do with menus. For even greater control, you can still manually configure menu entries in a couple of ways.

Adding Menu Items

With either of the above configured, adding menu items works just as it would with any other Hugo site.

You can add menu items to your site config:

    name = "about"
    url = "/about/"

Or you can add them to your content frontmatter:

menu: "main"

Instead of the lazy sections menu or the HugoModo default, the menu will now be populated by the items specified in your site config or content frontmatter (or indeed both).

Consult Hugo’s own documentation for further possibilities.

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