
Image Processing

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HugoModo Image Processing

Image Processing for Hugo sites.


HugoModo Image Processing includes a collection of shims for providing the same image processing treatment to markdown in your site’s content.

To activate it, create a file in your Hugo site at data/config/imageProcessing.toml with the content:

contentShim = true

This will break other shortcodes on your site, so you may also want to install HugoModo Shortcode Partials, which contains shims to fix some of the shortcodes.

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  • Provides imgproc and figproc shortcodes for image processing in your content files.
  • Uses srcset to load responsive image sizes on different screen resolutions.
  • Can be configured to use Page Bundles, a headless Resources bundle, or both!


  1. Equivalents for theme layouts are provided: image-processing/imgproc.html and image-processing/figproc.html.
    • These already exist. Modification required so that context can be passed.
  2. Option to override existing figure shortcode.
  3. Additional imgcrop shortcode using .Fill image processing function to crop images to given dimensions.
  4. Potentially an imgfit shortcode as well, using .Fit. Could be useful for masonry layouts.
  5. Support for featured and thumbnail images in page frontmatter and site config.
  6. Support for opengraph and other meta tag images to be resized appropriately.
  7. Support for sizes attribute alongside srcset; allow this to be altered in config.
  8. Consider having minSize and maxSize settings in config and per proc.
    • Allowing these to be set where used will help to reduce repo bloat.
  9. Add support for social and search graph image resizing.
    • opengraph
    • schema
    • twitter cards
    • structured data


From your Hugo site’s root directory:


git submodule add themes/hugomodo-image-processing


cd themes
git clone

Then add hugomodo-image-processing to your site’s themes in config.toml. Because it is considered an extension, it should be listed above any other HugoModo themes:

themes = [


HugoModo Image Processing can be configured one of two ways. The default is to use Hugo’s Page Bundles, but an alternative approach using an uploads directory that provides compatibility with third party Content Management Systems can be setup with minimal configuration.

Page Bundles

By default, HugoModo Image Processing uses Page Bundles as described by the Hugo docs: Page Bundles

No additional configuration is required to use HugoModo Image Processing this way.

Uploads Directory

You can configure HugoModo Image Processing to use an uploads directory instead, for compatibility with some Content Management Systems such as Forestry who write up the idea behind the uploads directory here: How To Use Hugo’s Image Processing With Forestry

The HugoModo implementation is a little bit different, but fully compatible with Forestry at the time of writing.

To set it up add a file to your site at data/imageProcessing/config.toml with the following configuration:

uploadsDir = "uploads"

…and that’s it! You can now add your images to a content/uploads directory and have HugoModo’s image processing shortcodes will look for your resources there instead.

…or both!

It is also possible to mix the two approaches. If the src string passed to imgproc contains a directory structure, it will look for your images in the given directory:

{{< imgproc src="/uploads/jakob-owens-212555-unsplash.jpg" >}}



{{< imgproc src="fabian-grohs-423591-unsplash.jpg" >}}


{{< figproc src="fabian-grohs-423591-unsplash.jpg" caption="Computer on a desk" >}}
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