
Best Motherfucking Website

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HugoModo Best Motherfucking Website

Based on The Best Motherfucking Website, this theme provides minimal style definitions to create a clean, highly readable theme to be used as the base for customisation or for websites with a minimalist feel.



The recommended way to install and use the HugoModo Best Motherfucking Website theme is to install the latest standalone version as a Git Submodule using the -b 0.1.0-standalone flag:

git submodule add -b 0.1.0-standalone themes/hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website
themes = ["hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website"]

Advanced Options


If you’re happy targeting an edge branch, you can drop the version number when installing. Use the -b standalone flag:

git submodule add -b standalone themes/hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website


For the most advanced usage that will let you update the HugoModo core independently of the theme, install both independently using a versioned branch flag:

git submodule add -b 0.1.1 themes/hugomodo
git submodule add -b 0.1.0 themes/hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website

Note that you can also use -b master or forego the flag entirely to get the very latest edge version of each.


With HugoModo Best Motherfucking Website installed as a Git submodule, it’s easy to update to the latest version of the branch you’re on. From your site’s root directory, simply run:

git -C themes/hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website pull

If you’re on a versioned branch, and want to switch to a different version, run these commands substituting 0.1.0-standalone for the new branch you want to target:

git -C themes/hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website checkout 0.1.0-standalone
git config -f .gitmodules submodule.themes/hugomodo-best-motherfucking-website.branch 0.1.0-standalone

Updating All Themes and Extensions

If you have multiple themes or extensions installed, you can update them all with one command like so:

git submodule foreach git pull

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